// # SimpleServer
// A simple chat server using Socket.IO, Express, and Async.
var http = require('http'); //OK, to use Node's HTTP server and client, one must require('http') from the get-go
var path = require('path'); // OK, there is a lot that goes into using and manipulating file and directory paths; this provides a set of utilities to do that
var async = require('async'); // OK, this provides a whole host of powerful functions for working with asynchronous JavaScript
var socketio = require('socket.io'); // OK, WebSockets facilitates ongoing conversation between browser and web server without being solicited by the client, while keeping the connection open.
var express = require('express'); // OK, just a bunch of additional web application tools inside of Node
// ## SimpleServer `SimpleServer(obj)`
// Creates a new instance of SimpleServer with the following options:
// * `port` - The HTTP port to listen on. If `process.env.PORT` is set, _it overrides this value_.
var router = express();
// OK, first of all, "routing." What is routing in node? Here is the basic format: app.method(path, handler) (see https://expressjs.com/en/starter/basic-routing.html )
//"app" is an instance of express (in this example, the app is called 'router' since 'var router = express()')
//"method" is one of several HTTP request methods (get, post, put, delete, etc)
// "path" is a path on the server to a particular resource
// "handler" is whatever function is to be carried out when Node finds a match for the route
// SO, what's going on here is you are saying the "app" part of 'app.method(path, handler)' is going to be called 'router'
var server = http.createServer(router); // OK, this calls http.Server() internally and returns the resulting instance
var io = socketio.listen(server); // OK, this marks the socket referred to as a passive socket that will be used to accept incoming connection requests
router.use(express.static(path.resolve(__dirname, 'client'))); // OK you are passing the name of the directory that contains the static assets to the express.static middleware function
var messages = []; // OK, this is just creating an array called messages
var sockets = []; // OK, this is just creating an array called sockets
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
messages.forEach(function (data) {
socket.emit('message', data);
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
sockets.splice(sockets.indexOf(socket), 1);
socket.on('message', function (msg) {
var text = String(msg || '');
if (!text)
socket.get('name', function (err, name) {
var data = {
name: name,
text: text
broadcast('message', data);
socket.on('identify', function (name) {
socket.set('name', String(name || 'Anonymous'), function (err) {
function updateRoster() {
function (socket, callback) {
socket.get('name', callback);
function (err, names) {
broadcast('roster', names);
function broadcast(event, data) {
sockets.forEach(function (socket) {
socket.emit(event, data);
server.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, process.env.IP || "", function(){
var addr = server.address();
console.log("Chat server listening at", addr.address + ":" + addr.port);
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